Agaric (Mushrooms)

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• Agaricus
augustus - The Prince

These amazing things smell AMAZING. Apparently choice edibles, although I wasn't equipped to take these ones with me to try.

mollerei - Inky Agaric

These look like innocent everyday mushrooms, until you smell them. They smell incredibly strongly of ink - who would have guessed? The surprising part is just how strong that smell is!

xanthodermus - Yellow Stainer

Looking just like the mushrooms you might buy in a shop, but will make you very sick if eaten!
This species is easily identified by the acrid, chemically smell and their skin (dermus) that immediately turns bright yellow (xantho) when damaged.

unknown - Mystery Agarics

It's entirely possible that the rest here are wild Agaricus bisporus, the same ones found in the shop.
Lacking an obvious tell like distinctive smell or colourful bruising, Agarics can be hard to positively ID.

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