Coral Fungi

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• Calocera
viscosa - Yellow Stagshorn

One of my favourites - very hard to miss these bright-orange clusters growing out of old rotting logs.

• Clavaria
fragilis - Fairy Fingers

These extremely delicate little spindles pop up on mossy grass.

• Clavariadelphus
pistillaris - Giant Clubs

The chunkiest coral clubs around.

• Clavulina
coralloides - Crested Coral

A great find, I'm a big fan of these types of fungus and while apparently common, I'm always happy to see them.

rugosa - Wrinkled Club

These are very easily overlooked, hiding amongst the leaf litter and forest-floor detritus.

• Clavulinopsis
helvola - Yellow Club

It's Yellow, and club shaped! Who would have guessed? Not easily spotted, however!

• Helvella
cristata - Elf Saddle

These bizarre things appear among the leaf-litter. Quite amazing!

lacunosa - Black Elf Saddle

The trendier version of the above.

• Macrotyphula
juncea - Slender Club

These are very tricky to spot, popping up among the leaf litter. They look just like leaf-stems from a distance.

• Thelephora
terrestris - Earthfan

A very aesthetic and woody fungus that popped up in a raised flowerbed.

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