Jelly-like Fungi

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• Aleuria
aurantia - Orange-Peel Fungus

Very funky little jelly things. Quite common too, keep your eyes peeled.

• Ascocoryne
sarcoides - Purple Jelly Disc

This amazing organism can be found adorning logs and tree stumps. They look like they're grape flavoured, but I wouldn't count on that.

• Bulgaria
inquinans - Black Bulgar

Very common, but no less impressive for that fact. These start off as solid, circular black discs but dissolve into a purple-brown spore-carrying goo.

• Chondrostereum
purpureum - Silverleaf Fungus

This vibrantly coloured fungus often completely covers downed logs and tree stumps.

• Exidia
glandulosa - Witch's Butter

Very well named. I can certainly imagine a witch spreading this horrible looking stuff on their toast.

thuretiana - White Brain

This awesome slime fungus covers many twigs and sticks with its slimy cells towards the end of the year.

• Leotia
lubrica - Jelly Baby

Definitely a more peculiar one. This strange thing pops up among mossy grass and appears just like a little green mushroom, but with no gills.

• Nectria
cinnabarina - Coral Spot Fungus

These delicate orange blobs certainly stand out against the deep brown of the tree trunk!

• Phaeotremella
frondosa - Leafy Brain

Just great fun. And biologically interesting too as this fungus is actually a parasite of the Stereum fungus, an example of which can be found on the Brackets page

• Phlebia
radiata - Wrinkled Crust Fungus

This wood-rot covers wood and moss alike in its purpley-orange, wrinkly slime.

• Postia
ptychogaster - Powderpuff Bracket

Despite being called a bracket, I found these white, spiky, drippy blobs on the forest floor munching on pine twigs and needles.

stiptica - Lumpy Bracket

Much more bracket-like! These lumpy things cause rot in the poor trees they afflict.

• Star
jelly - Astromyxin

'Weird alert! This is one of the strangest things I''ve ever come across.
From what I can research, this is thought to be the reproductive system of some amphibian, perhaps a frog, that has come on the wrong side of a predator.
A fine theory, but what kind of frog is spawning in mid December, in an acidic peat bog in the Scottish highlands? I say the jury is out, hence its place on the jelly fungus page., '

• Tremella
mesenterica - Yellow Brain

This extremely cool and colourful slime can be found crawling all over sticks and twigs towards the end of the year.

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