Miscellaneous (Uncategorised)
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|This neat little, bright white and silky mushroom is easily spotted among the grass it grows up among.
The very fetching purple version of the Deceiver. Apparently edible, but never seem all that enticing to me.
So-called blue legs, for what is hopefully an obvious reason. What an amazing colour!
Almost any time after a good downpour, these can be found forming beautiful rings in many lawns and meadows. It's quite remarkable how lush and green the grass becomes inside and around these distinctive rings.
These look just like Psilocybe, if you squint... Zoom in on the picture of the gills to see the tell-tale mottling in full display.
Just like the clustered brittlestem below, but with quite a distinctly cone-shaped cap.
One of the smallest mushrooms around, and doesn't tend to grow in clumps making it even cuter! I'm a big fan.