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• Apioperdon
pyriforme - Stump Puffballs

The itty-bitty little cousin of the above, generally found clustered around the stumps of trees. Until recently they shared the Lycoperdon genus.

• Calvatia
gigantea - Giant Puffballs

The biggest, most substantial fungi around - no competition. These things are massive and, if you're quicker than the slugs, a choice edible.

• Geastrum
triplex - Collared Earthstar

I've heard it said that mushrooms are alien probes.
Looking at these weird things, I'm inclined to agree.

• Lycoperdon
perlatum - Common Puffballs

These things are awesome! In the right conditions they can pop up by the hundreds, forming a forest floor that explodes in thick green clouds of spores when walked over.

• Scleroderma
areolatum - Leopard Earthball

The particularly trendy version of the above.

citrinum - Common Earthball

Absolutely ubiquitous. They get everywhere!

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