Russula (Brittlegills)

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• Russula

Russula are particularly hard to identify in the field.
If you want to be sure you need DNA analysis and a microscope.
Here are some assorted Russula I have not been able to identify.

atropurpurea - Purple Brittlegill

Very photogenic little mushrooms. The deep purple cap constrasts beautifully with the stark white flesh.

claroflava - Yellow Brittlegill

It's yellow, and it's a Russula!

cyanoxantha - Charcoal Burner

These can be told apart from other brittlegills by the fact their gills aren't all that brittle.

emetica - The Sickener

As red as the Mario mushrooms, but sadly will make you quite sick if eaten.

nobilis - Beechwood Sickener

As the name suggests, typically found beneath Beech trees.

xerampelina - Crab Brittlegill

This one would have been very hard to identify, if it weren't for the eyewatering seafood-like smell it emanates when damaged.

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